This Week in Twitter

  • Reisebank kassiert 100€, wenn man $500 hin und zurück wechselt, obwohl ihre Werbung was anderes suggeriert. Und das ist legal… #
  • RT @asdtvg: ARD und ZDF interessiert an neuer Videoplattform #
  • Innovative entertainment tested on one Lufthansa flight: #
  • Apple's 3 screen strategy: iOS, iOS, iOS. #
  • Ich mag ein YouTube-Video. — China Straddling Bus #
  • Does Oracle vs Google controversy mark beginning of the end of the open source as we know it? #
  • Ah, eastern part of Eurasia. If you only could share some of your sunny 40 degrees with us. Last weeks here were rainy 16-ies. #

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