Oh boy, how quick time goes by. Do you recognize that puppy toy language of 90ies in this young dynamic professional http://t.co/J4k53xn4 # Powered by Twitter Tools
Tag Archives: twitter
This Week in Twitter
Cool https://t.co/121TnOLN # Learned the term of Pop-up Store. # Charlyne is so bittersweet. http://t.co/y7P3FuJ2 http://t.co/Zg2RBbyO # Just posted a photo http://t.co/pCUA758O # Powered by Twitter Tools
This Week in Twitter
Yay, in 5 years HTML will have a control model. http://t.co/E9JkaWgh This will be the slowest reinvention of the wheel in the IT history. # (just in case) According to Wikipedia, controls aka GUI Widgets have been invented in 1988. Development of HTML started a year or two later. # The story of renren: http://t.co/6OBLT5lV …
This Week in Twitter
Every game needs a status system, but adding it doesn't make just any thing to a game. RT Gamification is a Dirty Word http://t.co/3goL3clA # Language has been invented by those who couldn't dance or act or sing. Writing has been invented by those who couldn't draw. # But language and writing are much more …
This Week in Twitter
Stealing phones just became even more attractive "@TechCrunch: PhoneID Lets You Login To Websites http://t.co/2iRRFkej" # PM maxim: thou shalt not over-identify thyself with thy ideas. # Hehe, Apple has copied the design of Nokia Lumia 920 for their ipod nano # Nice example of how CS and generic architectural approach is less effective than …
This Week in Twitter
O. M. G. http://t.co/dboWa7RS # @jevgenidotnet so how should I think about WP8 OS, is it Windows RT with small modifications? Or a third Windows? # Bärenstark @linkedin, obwohl ich klar twitterte, dass die job-mails unerwünscht, unpassend und nicht abbestelbar sind http://t.co/8I9godr3 # @linkedin die Gelegenheit nicht verpassen und gleich unsubsriben, hier kostenlos unsubscriben, nur …
This Week in Twitter
http://t.co/288K3YsW # http://t.co/uGqWVQhr is amazing UI idea, but are lawyers the only target group that immediately comes to your mind? Who else can use it? # BLIP…. http://t.co/HC0xDJxc # Finally, a long-term cloud storage. But why focus on enterprise? How about my private fotos? http://t.co/KPcTw8zC # Just posted a photo http://t.co/A8j1azR7 # Are cloud-only SaaSes …
This Week in Twitter
Just posted a photo http://t.co/3zY7OAs9 # I'm http://t.co/f6sQKV9s They are a little #communists because I can only post every second post on IE, but hey, it is still alpha! # I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/CY4w6rGd Deadmau5 – Strobe piano # Powered by Twitter Tools
This Week in Twitter
@lucidchart has the best UI for creating diagrams I've ever used. # This is what it takes to participate in 10 years anniversary of StayFriends :) http://t.co/1wvFoSsg # Erfurter Kreativität: fast food restaurant "Hunger?", friseur "Kopf-Arbeit", Laden "Tinte & Toner clever tanken" # Noch, restaurant Mundlandung und ein Linkshänder-Laden # I miss the possibility to …
This Week in Twitter
Just posted a photo http://t.co/0gNPbZWS # Hmm, the difference between Verge and Microsoft UI? Nice background colors behind the ALLCAPS clickables. # Haha, Benny has already invented this view at @axinom in 2010. Facebook revamps photos with new mosaic view http://t.co/LuagKx5b # He is the man. Respect. http://t.co/ZYXUiVnu # From now on, I'm going to …