This Week in Twitter

  • Every game needs a status system, but adding it doesn't make just any thing to a game. RT Gamification is a Dirty Word #
  • Language has been invented by those who couldn't dance or act or sing. Writing has been invented by those who couldn't draw. #
  • But language and writing are much more powerful communication tools than fine arts. #
  • No, no, no, according to Hollywood such things can only happen in Russia! #
  • Hah, Windows Phones by HTC are stylish and colorful too. We're finally liberated from the black and white world #
  • Who needs those stinky backends anymore? #
  • Suffering like in hell in the special train to Munich. Note to myself: Never ever make appointment in Munich during Oktoberfest. #
  • Just met someone with one of the strongest souls I know. A simple modest self-made man from Russia. #

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