This Week in Twitter

  • Pedaling 30 km per set is my max. limit. In reality, I don’t sustain it longer than a couple of days, so it’s 26 km on avg. #
  • @JustinAngel Thanks, here is a simple XAML reproducing the problem: in reply to JustinAngel #
  • Not everybody is ready to help, but everybody wants to be in loop so they can make the decisions. #
  • How to extract a Silverlight Toolkit compatible theme from existing SL control: #
  • Thing to try next time I fly United or Virgin #
  • @kangamono Does Moonlight 2 preview support PlayReady? :) #
  • RT @inafried: In his email on latest cuts, Ballmer leaves door open to further cuts. #
  • @followfinder 7d707 #
  • Beautiful viral loop implementation: @followfinder. I wonder what is the CTR from to #
  • @mtnygard This is why piracy is so popular. I wonder what essential legal regulations force studios to geo-block. in reply to mtnygard #
  • It is always fascinating to see when some people try to mitigate risks that cannot be mitigated and are just part of being alive. #
  • FontSize=9 looks much worse in SL2 than FontSize=10 or 8. I wonder why, because font sizes are in pixels anyway… #
  • Main advantage of OSS is that you remain anonymous using it. With proprietary soft, even if its free, you have to talk to its authors. #
  • @jasjau Ich mag Kann ich im DeepZoom irgendwie Deeplinks für Einzelbilder bekommen? in reply to jasjau #
  • “Komme nie mit einer Idee” #
  • @umputun Я не ошибаюсь, что внешне дом как-то необычно, скорее по-западноевропейски выглядит? За исключением левой стены… in reply to umputun #

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