This Week in Twitter

  • Vala programming language: combine C# syntax with GObject implementation. Interesting idea! #
  • RT @verge CBS CEO turned down Steve Jobs over Apple TV subscriptions to protect 'existing revenue streams' #
  • RT @verge New online TV network from 'world's richest man' will bring Larry King out of retirement #
  • Was just ahead of time? Rdio, Simfy, now Spotify… RT @verge Spotify coming to Germany tomorrow #
  • "If clients don’t trust you they will eventually stop doing business with you. It doesn’t matter how smart you are." #
  • Gespräch dreier Jungen, alle unter 10 Jahren: "Selbstjustiz! – Neein, Sachbeschädigung war es nicht, und Körperverletzung auch nicht" #omg #

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