- Nice typology: http://t.co/ceD1yot #
- @PatrickMoorhead If the rumored TV set from Apple will have the same content as the iPad, it will be hardly relevant anywhere except US #
- A very interesting development: the new Explorer showcases a UI equally well usable for touch and mouse @BuildWindows8 http://t.co/w3sshXM #
- hatte auch den Eindruck, dass Samsungs ziemlich langsam sind. Neustart 30 sekunden! RT @HolgerSchmidt: Smart TV http://t.co/DmIXf6S #
- RT @XaocCPS nice RT @wmpoweruser: Delta Airlines releases a Windows Phone 7 app http://t.co/ANPXu3u #
- Positive dynamic in worker exposure doses at Fukushima: http://t.co/Dsi8dZC #
- Other nations would leave their contaminated property around Fukushima forever, just in case. Not Japanese. They stay and plant sunflowers. #
- Sunflowers extract from soil isotopes and accumulate them in roots and leaves. Japanese scientists also developing other cleanup tech. #
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