- Very similar to my first workplace :) http://habrastorage.org/storage/fa47e9ff/4d968522/95879e81/f6863051.jpg #
- We are our choices. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBmavNoChZc&feature=player_detailpage#t=380s #
- According to this http://atmc.jp/ame/?n=7, Fukushima province had May 7th to 12th radioactive rain with the fallout 1 to 8 Curie/m2. #
- If I'm not mistaken, this is comparable with the fallout on the next day after a nuclear explosion test within 10 km radius. Or not??? #
- This problem is not really Android-specific, and because most popular hotspots use open wifi, very hard to solve. http://tcrn.ch/ltO5V5 #
- From now on I don't comment my code, I dance it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyZQPjUT5B4&feature=player_embedded #
- Leise klingelt der Schrank. Ein Handy ruft hoffnungslos nach seinem Besitzer. Fitnessclub. #
- Just noticed http://www.flyerwire.com updated their start page. #
- is surviving. #
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