- I liked a YouTube video — Bristol Kite Festival 2009 – Kite "Ballet" – The Decorators… http://youtu.be/1We-QUKyv7g?a #
- I liked a YouTube video — Experience Sundance: Meet the Filmmakers #5 http://youtu.be/D3KcUKqcjAo?a #
- 兔年快乐! #
- I favorited a YouTube video — 陈颖见 熬夜 http://youtu.be/t03jKLqD5PU?a #
- Hi, Tartu. We haven't seen each other for two years. #
- The music app coverflow in Google's new tablet OS Honeycomb reminds the coverflow I did for steereo.de two years ago. #
- Spandau Ballett "True" is playing in hotel room. #
- "Du hast keine Chance, aber nutze sie!" #
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