- Those who say "Nobody would install Silverlight just to watch this site" have often installed Firefox – just because of its tabs #
- Надпись крышу сносит капитально. Бедные дети :) http://img.artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo/idioteka/i/8346386E-4DA2-4D03-AD79-9F41C76C0F2E.jpg #
- @eldarmurtazin Yes, I'm exited about WP7. At least a reasonable language to develop apps. Not Java-the-modern-COBOL and not C with classes. #
- Every PC and Mac with Silverlight installed has tons of codecs. Nevertheless you have to re-invent the wheel: http://is.gd/fYjHs #wtf #
- @eldarmurtazin Who likes iPhone 4 after presentation, but hasn't liked it before. Anyone? in reply to eldarmurtazin #
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