- Perfect weather to miss somebody http://tweetphoto.com/28206567 #
- For $106m (the price of On2 and WebM codec) you could pay 106 years of fees for H.264. (translated /via @bobuk) #
- Erinnert sich nostalgisch an seine Uni-Zeit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci2JFzjnN_E #
- Some creative guitar by Carsick Cars: http://mysp.ac/9vTAuw #
- amazing! http://j.mp/bOVIRf Spoiled child, long life, lion, pretty girl, bear, crab, Tang Xuanzang, Sun Wukong, pretty town, hovering eagle #
- Realized why go clouds. You don't have to specify server hardware so early in the development cycle any more. Provisioning takes minutes. #
- Swype is magic. Not sure if it is quicker to type with it, but at least its more fun. Waiting for other languages (DE, CN). #
- CPU load around 16% when playing 720p on Youtube in HTML5 mode using IE9 preview. But framerate is awful. Flash is smoother. #
- @XaocCPS who cares? :-) in reply to XaocCPS #
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