This Week in Twitter

  • "Why there is no tenderness in the world? Lena, 1st grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • @FMaria :) #
  • Forgot my mobile phone at home. Feel myself helpless and disconnected. #
  • Cool! Next goal to target: SL deployment in big enterprises RT @Damir: Silverlight deployment is now 60% worldwide and growing #MIX10 #
  • Wow, pretty cool UI, eBay Silverlight app #MIX10 #
  • Back button is very important, I miss it on iPhone #WP7 #MIX10 #
  • Liking Smart deletion UI #WP7 #MIX10 #
  • WP7 app development is: easy #MIX10 #
  • Hehehe, WP7 emulator supports multitouch on W7. Nice #MIX10 #
  • iPhone's touch-scrolling is still smoother than on Android, WP7 #
  • "How is your living in the Heaven? Do you have everything you need? Can I help somehow? Zina, 3rd grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • I rated a YouTube video (5 out of 5 stars) — Embrace Life – always wear your seat belt #
  • IE9's Chakra is multi-core compliled JavaScript. #MIX10 #
  • Hachamovich loves HTML5. Strange taste. #MIX10 #
  • "Lord, do you want to be my friend? Fedya, 1st grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • Also playable on Android RT @Damir #MIX10 session recordings via @Ritzy #
  • NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() is probably most useless part of SL runtime ever. Can't imagine any scenario using it. #wtf #
  • RT @mtnygard: We say "I love that song" but we often mean "I like who I was when that song was big." #
  • Och, ich würd' lieber n Buch lesen @jskoeln Wollt ihr das Internet auf dem TV Gerät konsumieren? Oder lieber Fernsehen mit Notebook? #
  • Hopefully, emphasis on typography in Metro will improve its support in SL4 #
  • Huge difference btwn. WP7 and WinMobile is that now Microsoft really "owns" most of it (UX, Hardware and Customers) #
  • SL4 parser has been changed, devs should learn new features. #
  • "How should I live, so that everybody in the world will be happy? Lisa, 2nd grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • RT @mtnygard I increasingly believe that organizations structured around job function inevitably lead to corporate paralysis. #
  • "What life is needed for, and if it is needed for something, why do people die? Kostya, 2nd grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • My bank has an iPhone app now supporting online-banking. I DO REALLY HOPE THEY DON'T USE TWITTER AS A BUS FOR WIRE TRANSFERS. #shocked #
  • Microsoft's RemoteFX sounds very interesting. Video, Silverlight and 3D over RDP. #
  • Confused by ppl pretending to embrace smth. w/o actually embracing it. Why don't they have guts to say "No" aloud? #
  • "Password" in Dutch is "wachtwoord". Pretty nice and historical. #
  • "Why so many people are so not sunny? Arina, 3rd grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • "Are you happy? Evelina, 1st grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • Shocked. SL is quickly becoming another HTML RT @DotNetExpert Mhhh.. no Socket support in the current Windows Phone 7 Silverlight runtime. #

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