This Week in Twitter

  • You have developed web sites for too long… if you have Fiddler installed on your home PC. #
  • @bobuk жгет прямо сейчас на успевайте #
  • RT Bewegung bei Deezer via @TCEurope #
  • BrowserHttp streams, but has no headers. ClientHttp has headers, but doesn't stream #Silverlight #networking #from #hell #
  • @umputun NYSE isn't going to send their data using twits yet, is it :)? by @arrington #
  • Got an invitation on a #Smalltalk con: "Are you ready for web2.0?". Web2.0 is out, @cincom. Please wake up and try with iPhone, Android. #
  • -8 degrees today, and I biked. But that's nothing. My mum has also biked. #
  • Going to Riga until the end of the week #
  • Riga today: cold, nothing to eat, nothing to buy, and two churches instead of sightseeing. #
  • Sitting in cold Riga in hotel with no water and hearing podcast about why ipad is the new world of computing. #

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