Getting acquainted with xsd

…I had to define a REST interface, returning XML data. I already did such things before, but I’ve hesitated to learn the XSD syntax for all the usual reasons: yet another useless language, you can’t express with it all the requirements to the data anyway etc, etc. So I’ve usually created my C# classes, serialized them to XML, …

Limiting the number of outgoing SOAP web service calls

If you create a web app, which consume information from other web services, you eventually need a possibility to control the number of outgoing SOAP web requests. On the one hand, the default maximum number of connections is 2, which could be a performance bottleneck. On the other hand, if you call another web service too …

Change happens

When I’ve got my firt box of visit cards, the first thought was “what a waste, I’ll never gonna need it”. Really, in the world, when you’re trying to hide and protect your email address from spammers as good as possible, the idea of giving out your contact informations to unknown people seemed ridiculous to me.   Nevertheless, I …