When I’ve got my firt box of visit cards, the first thought was “what a waste, I’ll never gonna need it”. Really, in the world, when you’re trying to hide and protect your email address from spammers as good as possible, the idea of giving out your contact informations to unknown people seemed ridiculous to me.
Nevertheless, I took several visit cards and placed them into my moneybag. Just in case. When you’re in a bank asking for conditions, it can help giving them your VC stating you’re a project manager :) And if an accident happened to me, the police would know where to call…
Yesterday, I had been yet again on a customer workshop. There were three other persons in the meeting, with whom I’m going to work in the future. So I wanted to get their contact info. I’m opening my moneybag and, what a shock, I’m realizing there are only two visit cards left!
Others are already gone on different workshops I had since the beginning of this year, and I never updated the “cache”, because I initially thought it will last forever…
Now I’m trying to understand if it is a good or a bad change.