Category Archives: tech-and-biz
Free load testing tool
Accenture Business TV player concept from Schematic Smooth Streaming + DeepZoom + Interactivity
Netflix: we’re very happy with Silverlight
One year ago, Netflix began looking at Silverlight primarily as a way to get media streamed to Macintosh computers. When we dug in further, we also wanted to broaden support for Firefox. Then we discovered we could produce a better solution for all platforms by eradicating platform-specific code, enabling us as a business to concentrate …
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SL3: Adobe AIR is dead!
“Out-of-browser Experiences have now come to Silverlight. This is a highly requested feature and is enabled with no additional download/plugin. Each and every Silverlight 3 application can be enabled to run as a desktop application (yes, cross-platform with Windows/Mac) by subscribing to a series of APIs and defining the application in the manifest. “
Silverlight 3 complete overview!
Using GPU for computations
Excellent introduction into GPU computations by Semen Kozlov (MSFT) (in russian)
HD Video is a free TV show, distributed only via BitTorrent. They have 720p and 1080p videos. A typical show size is around 30 minutes, 2 Gb. A good source of test HD movies.
Silverlight 3 spoilers Cool, in SL3, we’ll have the concept of screens and deeplinks out-of-the-box. Too bad we have implemented it @Axinom several times already (in different teams). They’ve also added a mightly overview/detail controls – can it be interesting for AxCMS user interface?
Simply ingenious