London is full of compromises. The Tube is a stuffy, hot, loud place with lengthy distances when changing lines; and trains are shaking and screeching. But, the trains come every other minute, and that trumps all the disadvantages. Streets are so loud it is impossible to hear another person speaking, because of the endless buses …
Category Archives: personal-life
Who is in London today?
In the school, I learned English as foreign language. To my shame, I forgot the name of my teacher; I only remember we were calling her “The Crow”, because she had a very round face, round big eyes, and when she had to blink, she always closed both eyes, waited quite a long time, and then …
“Завтра наше время закончится”
Удивительно, что именно на стихи Ольги ГРОМЫКО, которая пишет, на минуточку, юмористическую фэнтези, положена эта песня. Цепляет. Завтра наше время закончится, Разлетится драными клочьями. Утром, криком вороньим порченным, Заплету в клинок одиночество. И сказал бы, что все наладится – Только лгать тебе не умею. Чуть шагнуть за порог успею, Как следы мои ветром сгладятся. …
Saying “No”
There are a lot of literature about parenting. In fact, too much for my taste, so that it is very hard to tell right one from wrong one. Therefore I haven’t read much on this topic, especially given the fact such a reading would be in my case quite theoretical. But recently I’ve stumbled upon …
Fukushima update
Fukushima topic has lost its headline position in the news, but the situation there is far from being stable. TEPCO was injecting water into reactors, because otherwise they would supposedly get hot and start contaminate air even more due to the smoke. And because the reactors are believed to have holes, the water didn’t run back …
Love and Lie
I’ve stumbled upon this saying by Sergey Dovlatov, one of the best soviet writers: The opposite of love is not disgust or even indifference. The opposite of love is lie. This has made me think trying to understand how did he mean it. But then, I’ve remembered the Bible, where we read: Let no debt remain …
Kübler-Ross model, revisited
There is a direct road between Fürth where I live and Erlangen. The road has a comfortable walkway alongside, with great sights and tons of fresh air, as well as a bike way. You need just a couple of hours to walk or 40 minutes to bike from city center to city center. In the last ten years, I’ve used this road quite a few times, …
Dilbert Maturity Levels
Level I. You don’t know who Dilbert is or don’t visit Perhaps you haven’t worked yet, like, working for money. Or you are extremely lucky with your first job(s). Level II. You read and laugh. You have seen something like this at work. These situations are funny exceptions, aren’t they? Level III. You …
Helpless guide to Radiation
The biggest danger of radiation is that it is so hard to grasp. I’ve learned some new facts about the radiaction in the last weeks, but am still quite helpless and lost. This post is an attempt to organize the knowledge. For starters, the radiation by itself (the alpha, beta and gamma rays) is not much different from the …