This Week in Twitter

  • Looking at family photos, live seemingly consists only from parties, sun, scenery, laughing, romance and success. And then, a funeral. #
  • This is how Internet is making our society post-democratic RT @TechCrunch #
  • Average == beautiful #
  • Душа заплакала, сидя у него на руках. #
  • Learned useful ChildWindow control in Silverlight (thanks, Agu). Technology should be all like that: intuitive and just working. #
  • breaking news: bobuk увольняется из Яндекса и переходит на работу в Старлайт RT @bobuk: Еду в Старлайт, работать. #
  • Very good news: Microsoft is open-sourcing U-Prove, the framework behind "Geneva". Go use it! #
  • I rated a YouTube video (5 out of 5 stars) — Мульт — Моя жизнь.Стёбно #
  • PlayReady finally comes to Smooth Streaming RT @XaocCPS IIS Smooth Streaming Format SDK Beta 1 released #
  • "Hello dear God, what's up, how is your health? Zhenya, 2nd grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #
  • "People grieve so much on the Earth, can it be worse in your Hell? Radik, 4th grade" M.Dymov, Children write to God #

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