
 * @author: Maxim Fridental
 * @version: 1.0
 * @description: Yet another nostalgic post. Handcrafted in HTML.
 * TODO: stop whining.

Today I’m facing the last 0x0f days of my life as software developer.

# I have very strong and mixed feelings about that, because being
# software developer is part of my identity.

# In 1987, for the very first time I’ve typed and run a program.

# I’m not author of it. It was printed in a magazine, and I’ve just entered
# it. After turning on, the computer was typically finishing booting in under
# 0.5 seconds, and then the prompt appeared, and the user could enter commands.
# The M command allowed to change memory locations, and the G command started
# execution from the specified address. Here is an assembler listing:

    .org 0

    ei        # Enable interrupts
    di        # Disable interrupts
    jmp 0

# The “interrupts enabled” pin of the CPU wasn’t used for interrupts in my computer,
# but was attached to a speaker instead. The speaker had a low-pass filter before
# it, so that even though the CPU ran at around 1.8 MHz you could hear an audible
# tone. I still remember how happy I was hearing it! I’m not that much happy
# today even when I buy my next gadget.

# The very first programs I’ve written myself were based on that code. I was
# adding various amounts of NOPs, EIs and DIs, experimenting with different tones
# I could produce using the speaker, until somebody would come over to me and
# said in an artificially calm voice: could you please shut your thing up? And
# then, everybody was enjoying the silence.

# Maybe for a couple of minutes or so.

# Because I would then use my tape recorder to load a game and start playing.
# We had text-mode games that have compensated their lack of
# fidelity and performance with razor-sharp balance. If you are
# interested, here is a JavaScript emulator.


# You want to select the game called “KLAD” (note the dropdown list is not
# alphabetically sorted).

# In fact, I’m very lucky that my first games were text-mode based. The further
# game development went along the way of improving fidelity and adding multimedia,
# without any significant improvements in the balance (also known as the Flow), so
# that I wasn’t interested in them and avoided the fate of becoming a serial gamer
# spending all his free time on boss raids in some virtual world.

# I was captivated by the software development though. About this time, one of
# the USSR scientific magazines has published the following article named
# “A lone programming genius”:

# One of the strongest american software developers Richard Stallman,
# said the article, is against copyright on software. I was so fascinated
# I’ve cut out the article and pinned it on a wall above my table. I
# too wanted to become an ingenious programmer and to have an article
# about me published in a popular scientific magazine. I didn’t know that
# I had more chances to achieve the “being lone” part though.

# My conversion into software developer finished in 1993, when I’ve
# read the article “How to make an own game” in the russian edition
# of PC World magazine. Not only it has been written by Andrei
# Rodionov, a guru of software development (20+ years of experience
# at that time) and has provided a lot of concepts, patterns and
# practical gems on software development in general. But it also
# had such a lovely extreme spectrum of its topics, spanning from
# the details of the C syntax for pointer dereferencing to the
# philosophical summits of comparing programming with creating
# an own little universe, and going through the Ten Commandments
# applying them to the virtual objects living in the software runtime.
# And have I already said this article had amazing illustrations?

# Now, 25 years later, I can say that being software developer
# has profoundly influenced all my life in very many ways.

# I love my work. I have fun when working.
# I live more life, because I have 8 hours more fun per day.
# I earn above average.
# I have freedom of move, as this job is everywhere the same.
# I work in the society focus field (IT has replaced the
# astronautics of 60-ies), which is
#   more rewarding
#   less bureaucratic
#   has more possibilities for self-realization
#   has more possibilities to change the world
# I have also obtained a number of specific abilities:
#   rapidly understanding things by making a mental map
#   subdividing a large complex task into smaller palatable ones
#   subconscious time and space optimization of everything
#   powerful signal-to-noise filtering during communication
#   rapid information retrieval

# Therefore I’m very grateful to God, to my parents and to my
# friends, teachers and colleagues who allowed me to live
# these very fulfilling 25 years in the way I’ve lived them.

 * So long, source code! I love you! *


Könnt ihr das bitte bildlich vorstellen? Jemand nimmt eure Hand, und nagelt sie fest an einen Stück Holz. Einfach mit Hammer, ohne Betäubung. Mit einem Nagel direkt in die Mitte. Und ihre Hand bewegt sich etwas hin und her auf dem Nagel, solange er noch nicht festgehammert ist. Und danach fühlt ihr mit dem Handrücken das vom Nagel auseinandergeschobene Holz.  Und ihr wisst, dass ihr sehr bald mit dieser Hand auf dem Kreuz hängen werdet.

Könnt ihr dann diese Tat und diesem Mann auf die Stelle vergeben? Und zwar, richtig und aus dem vollen Herzen vergeben, und nicht einfach “passt scho, passt scho” sagen und künstlich lächeln? Und sich danach sogar dafür Sorgen machen, dass eigene Vergebung nicht genug ist, und auch den Vater darum bieten?

Und ich denke nicht, dass die Tatsache, dass er Sohn des Gottes war, Jesus es leichter gemacht hat, zu vergeben, letztendlich war er gleichzeitig auch ein Mensch!

Für mich ist es Grund zum Überlegen, was alles, in welchem Unfang und wie schnell ich vergeben kann. Dann den Potenzial erkennen. Und dann versuchen, mich zu verbessern.

How to begin

What first programming language should learn a wannabe programmer?

When I was a beginner, we were supposed to build our computers ourselves: layout and make the board, buy the chips, solder them on the board, test and debug the hardware, organize a ROM with some operating system… When we were ready, we could turn on the PC and have two possibilities to develop anything on it: either entering machine codes, or use the built-in BASIC. So, these were the two programming languages I’ve learned first, in parallel.

My first commercial software was a teaching aid for physics lessons and was written on BASIC. I’ve sold it 20 years ago, in 1992, for 50 roubles. The very cool aspect of BASIC was the ability to program something in a reasonable time frame, and immediately see how the program works line after line of typing, which has a reinforcing effect on the motivation of a beginner programmer. On the other side, the cool aspect of machine codes was the fun of working with electronics. I can’t explain it reasonably, but at that times I had enormous fun manipulating bytes and bits in some CPU registers, and observing some effect (such as lightning of a LED) in the hardware. This was something magical. The advanced high technology, staying directly here, on my old table in an otherwise very low-tech room. There was an understanding gap though: I didn’t know how the BASIC statements exactly relate to the machine codes. I know BASIC eventually ends up being machine codes, but didn’t exactly know how and believed it is so complicated I can’t learn it in a reasonable time.

Later, times changed (as they were continuiously changing every couple of years or so), and I’ve learned and used the Clipper programming language to write various enterprise information systems. That was quite a cool language: it had code blocks (also known as closures), untyped arrays aka structs (ala modern JavaScript) allowing to have some basic OOP, and a very beautiful syntax. To program a text box in a form with validation, you’d just write

@ row, col SAY "FirstName:" GET firstname VALID !empty(firstname)

You won’t get it shorter and prettier with any modern mainstream UI language. Clipper also had statements to work with a NoSQL database as first-class concept, and supported multiple styles of programming (ala Perl and Python), so that it is pity it is so completely dead today. In fact, I’m very lucky that this was my third language, because it has gently introduced me to structural programming, to functional programming (code blocks!) and basics of OOP, without looking like “rocket science”. Unlike the modern functional languages who hit you with a hammer by speaking about type systems, monads and other useless academic stuff, Clipper was able to introduce me practical advantages of using these approaches.

Clipper has died, because it didn’t support the new graphical user interface Windows 95 has introduced at those times to the wide public. I had to switch, and my next language was Delphi. For some reason beyond of understanding, at those times I had enormous fun dragging and dropping UI components such as buttons and text boxes onto forms and so visually programming the modern GUIs. I didn’t understand much about user experience at that time, so that wasn’t the joy I feel today when creating a new wireframe or mock-up. The very notion of visual programming was fun. It was so high-level, so rapid software development comparing with the manual coding of forms on Clipper, that it felt as if I were on a roller-coaster. Delphi has introduced me to basic Windows concepts, and because this time that was a slightly more complicated enterprise information system, I’ve used a SQL database, so I could learn the world of relational databases and SQL in particular.

This was the time when I’ve graduated and started my first “freelance” projects. Delphi was a limiting factor though, because it was almost always used only in enterprise information systems. So I’ve switched to C++Builder, which had the same framework (GUI, collections, databases, etc), but was based on C++. With C++ knowledge, I’ve figured out that I could find the way to all kinds of projects and escape from the world of enterprise software. I’ve had hard times making C++ to work for me though. This is exactly the sort of language I didn’t get very well, having syntax so unlogical you could think it is sort of a natural human language, pretending to allow for abstraction level but failing and leaking from all its abstractions, the only language I know whose fans don’t find the very existance of Sutter and Alexandresku with their books and lessons strange. From my current perspective, I would prefer using GLib Object System, if I were for some reason fancy using OOP in a performance-critical app. Nevertheless, I don’t regret learning C++, because it has made me think (for the first time) about programming language designs, and it made me so desperate that I went ahead and tried other programming languages. A whole lot of them. In a merely half a year, I’ve checked out Prolog, ML, Ocaml, Clean, Scheme, Haskell, Eiffel, Perl, Erlang, VB6, Java, and Smalltalk. The latter I loved almost instantly, because it was almost the full opposite of C++ — extremely simple and beautiful syntax, real abstractions, very safe and user-friendly, allowing multi-paradigm, and relatively slow (still quicker than the modern JavaScript though).

I was fortunate to find a job on Smalltalk, and learn from a Smalltalk guru and coincidentally one of the best programmers I’ve ever met, and this experience has changed me forever. Not only I grasped OOP (which was almost destroyed in me by its C++ version), I also understood how OOP fits in the landscape, and what software architecture is all about. Smalltalk is the only programming language I know that is so fun to use and to type. It is like hearing a song that gives you creeps. Or meeting with a guru.

Later I’ve switched to .NET web development, which is basically C#, MSSQL, HTML, and JavaScript. The C# in .NET 1.1 seemed to me quite under-developed (especially after having experienced Smalltalk), but was improving rapidly, and peaked in .NET 4 to be enjoyable and quite productive language. Too bad Microsoft has almost decided to dump it in favor of the horrific C++. Coincidentally, I’ve started to develop myself away from programming, so that I didn’t care that much about the language and the frameworks.

Currently, when I program, I use pure C in an embedded environment. This is fun on its own. My typical task is to understand, how exactly

var mystring = "abc";

in JavaScript gets first allocated in the WebKit’s JavaScriptCore VM, and if VM needs to call FastAlloc to get this memory, how it is represented in its managed space, and if FastAlloc must bump sbrk or use mmap to get more memory from Linux, how exactly Linux would book keep this additional virtual memory, and if this virtual memory will be in fact used, how exactly Linux is going to handle the minor page fault to allocate physical memory, and if free physical memory pages are scarce, how exactly Linux would use kswapd to free up the memory by swaping out least used pages into the swap. This has almost nothing to do with what I did in the last 20 years, and even though it is not like learning a new programming language, it is still learning new concepts and software designs. And this is sort of a filling the gap between BASIC and machine codes, the gap I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this long post.

Learning. This is what you are going to do as computer programmer. Like, not learning two or three languages and be happy forever. This won’t happen to you. Well, I mean, hopefully not. You want to be more than just a computer programmer, don’t you?

So, does it matter then, what first language should be learned by beginners? Well I think yes, in fact it does matter. I believe, you need to start learning with two languages at the same time. The one language should be low-level, bit and byte manipulation on hardware or OS level. It will save you from embarrasment of not understanding how pointers work, or what a variable declaration in high-level languages in fact does behind the scenes. I’d say this language should be an Assember or C, and not C++. The other language should be very high-level, allowing you to quickly unlock your first achievements. But it also should be multi-paradigm and able to demonstrate you various styles of programming. I’d said it should be Smalltalk if it wasn’t so inpractical in the current situation. Well, perhaps JavaScript (including Node.js) is what you’re looking for… Yes, this combination is crazy enough to work out. Start with C and JavaScript, and be on the lookout for your next languages you’re going to learn (hint: it shouldn’t be C++ either. C++ will eventually find and kill you and eat your mind anyways, so don’t be a fool and don’t seek for the meeting yourself).

Christmas Feeling

Christmas is an accumulator of childish happiness.

Children can be much more happy than adults. Adults have experienced death of dear ones, farewells or illnesses, or realization that some of their goals they wholeheartedly wanted to achieve cannot be achieved anymore in this life. This all remains constantly in the head and cannot make room enough for a full and absolute happiness. Though children do have this room, and therefore can be absolutely happy.

If you as a child were made absolutely happy on every Christmas (or other big holiday in other cultures), this holiday can become a “tag” for that childish happiness, which can be used later in the adult life to remember of those happy times and to try to be happy again.

For me, this happiness tag is triggered by the smell of the christmas tree and the mandarines. Yesterday I was in subway, when I saw one tiny fir tree brach lying on the floor and radiating its smell. And I uncontrollably laughed.


Switching jobs is always stressful. But changing from web development with Microsoft technologies to embedded Linux development is like bungee jumping. Not that I’ve ever jumped bungee. But I like overstated comparisons :)

Seriously, judge for yourself.

Before, I was proud that I’ve ever compiled Linux kernel from its sources before (which is untypical for a hardcore Microsoft fan). Today, I re-complile the kernel several times a week.

Before, I was proud that I know what DirectShow filters and the graph are (which is untypical for a normal Silverlight developer). Today, I fix bugs and develop own filters for GStreamer, the open-source alternative of DirectShow.

Before, I thought http and TLS are parts of operating systems. Today, I’m fighting with gnutls trying to cross-compile it properly.

Before, I thought 100 Mb of source code is “a lot”. Today, I’m working on 6 Gb of sources.

Before, I’ve heard about TS files, which were mysterious creatures coming out from content providers and had to be transcoded ASAP into a more usual format. Today, TS is my common denominator, and I juggle with all these PATs, PMTs, SCTs, PCRs, PIDs and PTSes (per stream).

Before, I’ve thought 1Gb of video file is a full-length movie, and 8Mbps is a lot of a bitrate, and 720p is HD Video. Today, 1Gb is a short 5-minute Full HD clip.

Before, I feared of JavaScript, because you inevitable have to deal with HTML when working on JavaScript. Today, I fear of JavaScript, because when I cross-compile source code of WebKit with too much optimizations, its JavaScriptCore engine will expose all kinds of weird errors.

Before, I was ironical about how low-level the .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 were in comparison with Smalltalk. Eventually Microsoft has promoted C# to be a reasonably-high level programming language in .NET 4.0. Today I work in an environment where they think C++ is a high-level language, but is overly complicated, while the pure C is just the right level.

Before, I thought Windows 7 is on the verge of getting old. Today, my colleagues think Windows XP is not yet outdated.

So, in some aspects, this is a pretty much “upside down” experience, but I hope I will find my place in this new world, just like I’ve found myself in the web development seven years ago.

Deuter: Empty Sky – Bamboo Calling

Deuter: Empty Sky – Bamboo Calling

Security of Web 2.0

There are quite a lot white papers about security on software level. You know, all those situations when an attacker sends some information not in the format expected by the software, and the latter fails; or passing some pieces of code in the registration form in places not intended for that and ending up with executing this code, or similar issues.

There are much less works describing security of some existing and popular Web 2.0 services (Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Picasa, Xing, LinkedIn, etc). But at least there are some.

What seems to be absolutely absent are white papers describing security (and more specifically, privacy issues) of the Web 2.0 ecosystem as a whole. Meanwhile, the situation there is quite remarkable. Fans of conspiracy theories would immediately assume that intelligence services of many countries are currently holding their breath observing rapid and voluntary de-privatization of many netizens; gathering all the information and preventing hackers from publishing their findings. Well, if it should be true, you are currently NOT reading this text, because it wasn’t successfully published. A more rational explanation would be, that just lazy me didn’t do any research before writing this blog post and has instead just bluntly asserted that there are no white papers on this topic to made his blog post more appealing.


To depict the current status quo, I’m going to show a couple of legal techniques to gather private information about a person from public sources.

1. Profile Scouting
. This is obtaining links to public profiles of a target person, in a given Web 2.0 service:
                a) By known real name. Many Web 2.0 services allow (and even motivate) their visitors to search profiles by known real name. This step can be either performed manually for each Web 2.0 service using the corresponding search field, or automatically using pipl.com.
                b) By known username. Some Web 2.0 services display the username publicly, either in the web page itself, or at least as part of the public profile url. So, either public profile url can be constructed manually and checked if a given Web 2.0 service would return a profile or a 404 page, or some automated service can be used for this task, for example namechk.
                c) By known place of living, company, school or interests. Many Web 2.0 services allow to search using these kind of metadata; from the resulting list of persons the target person has to be found using some additional information, for example their known appearance (looking at the profile photo). A variation of this method is using groups or forums; for example, if a target person is interested in some dance type, and some Web 2.0 service offers a group, it is possible to find them by looking up the members of the group.
                d) By tagging. For example, a group photo on Facebook might be tagged with corresponding profiles; knowing appearance of the person of interest, it is possible to obtain their public profile. Another variation of this method is tagging of Flickr photos, where tags containing person names, cities and event names are used.

2. Profile Mapping.
Having a profile in one Web 2.0 service, it is often easily possible to find out profiles of the same person in another Web 2.0 services; for example, by searching the same known real name. Many folks out there use the same username (or same couple of usernames) across several Web 2.0 services, so that their profiles can be mapped that way. The easiest way to map a profile is just a link, for example, it is possible to enter a link to Flickr account in the Facebook profile, and make it visible for everyone.

3. Social Graph Leveraging
. This means, analyzing the “friends” of a target profile. This technique has the following shapes:
                a) Leveraging Faulty Security Concept. For example, the target person has closed their photos on Facebook for public viewing, but opened them for their friends. A friend of the target person has a publicly available timeline and comments on a photo of the target person. Faulty Facebook allows anybody to follow to this comment and to see the original photo, even though it ought to be visible only “for friends”. I believe, this bug Facebook has at least since I’ve joined it in 2009.
                b) Leveraging Different Privacy Settings. Let’s say the target person has closed their photos for public, but their friends haven’t. Some friend would publish their own photo, showing themselves, but also the target person (perhaps in the background or showing their back, but not necessarily so). Another variation of this technique is consuming the publicly available timeline of a friend of the target person, if it is known they interact closely in the real life (for example, study in the same university). By observing events, life style and mood of the target person’s friend, it is possible to conclude that the target person themselves should also have comparable mood, life style and perhaps participate in the same events.
                c) Second Level Scouting. Let’s say, the target person A doesn’t want to publicly befriend another person B (due to any reason whatsoever). But, A’s friends C, D and E don’t have this constraint and all have B in their friends. By analysing common friends of the friends, it is possible to find a missing link. This technique has quite limited usefulness, as your typical Facebook profile has 100 to 200 of friends, the total number of friends of friends can be around 10000 in the worst case, which is way too much to be analyzed manually, and I don’t know any ready-to-use software that would automate such a “friends scouting”.

Combining these three techniques sequentially, it is possible to achieve impressive results. For example, it should be possible to start looking up the target person A by searching their real name and current city on Flickr. By a lucky chance, one could find only a couple of photos, and most of them would depict the target person. One then could go to the Flickr profile of these photos’ author, person R, and map their profile to Facebook. On Facebook, by a lucky chance, one would be able not only read the public timeline and obtain more photos, but also discover a couple of friends of R who would live in the same city, for example persons H and D. By mapping of H’s profile to spaces.live.com it could be possible to obtain additional photos, and by mapping D’s profile on a Web 2.0 service for travel reports, one could obtain additional information about some events happened.

I do believe these techniques are quite legal, because they leverage only the data made publicly available by respective owners / copyright holders. If this should be “problematic”, then Google and other spiders should be even more questioned and investigated.

On the other hand, depending on exact situation and on what exactly the researcher will do with the information found, this might be anything from being perfectly moral to being absolutely cruel. In any case, often it is the case that information flow is not as intended by the target person, and that’s why I think this issue is a security issue, and has to be publicly discussed and addressed.

I don’t know any handy solution for that, besides of trying and opening my own social profiles to the most possible extent. If I cannot prevent this kind of information gathering, at least I want to lead and control it by providing the most of information myself “from the first hands” and thus minimizing any possible misunderstanding or misinterpretations. But I do see that this approach is not suitable for every kind of situation.

So what do you think about it? I’m kindly requesting for your comments.

Mirror’s Edge

I am very picky about art. An artwork must engage me emotionally. I can’t stand these modern kinds of art only targeted to your intellect, but producing no feelings. And a great artwork must fully own me; if it is sad, I must cry, if it is funny, I must laugh so much I can’t breath, if it is thrilling I must have cold sweat and trembling hands.

Combining these high expectations with my perfectionistic wish to consume only the great art, it is no wonder that I would rarely enjoy (and go see) artworks currently popular in the press. I might find something great once in a year, often even more rarely.

When I say art, I mean books, movies, music, pictures, live performances, and any special kinds of modern art. And computer games. Games are mostly sport and hobby, but some of them are also art.

Great art can be “immersed” into, kind of daydreaming about the virtual world created by the artwork, and this helps to endure life. Computer games are by design perfect means for such escapism. In fact, reportages about WoW show how some specifically designed games can pose a real threat to ordered and healthy lifestyle. Besides, being a software developer myself, I can better than many others see how games are just meaningless crunchers of tons of bits and bytes.

So, hopefully, you’re impressed enough to hear me calling Mirror’s Edge the great art I was playing in in the last couple of months. At the time being I have finished the full game four times (on easy level, or hard level, without killing anyone, and with killing everyone), and also qualified in all speed runs, and earned tri-star rating on each time trial.

Yes, this took a lot of time — time I’d rather invested in a more reasonable things. But may be it has saved me from cracking up? And anyways, this wasn’t something I could control. And it still isn’t. I’m already waiting for the second game, which, unfortunately, seems to be delayed for unspecified time. And I’m extremely envious of the game creators; it was a once-in-a-lifetime-experience for them, and I also hope to become such professionally successful in my carreer.

If you don’t plan to play this game, this video will give you some impression about it. If you do plan to play, look at the following.

Half-Vegetarian for a Week

As far as I can remember, I’ve first heard about vegetarians on a Russian Literature class, where we have been told Leo Tolstoy was a vegetarian. Tolstoy being totally uncool among the pupils, the vegetarian idea seemed to be also uncool to us.

But it is interesting that this movement is quite old, and is still (or nevertheless) trendy, at least in some circles in the West. In other parts of the world it is even tradition or religion.

So, I was thinking about the vegetarian idea lately.

“In essence, we don’t want to cause harm and suffering to other living beings.”
“Yes. But why should I care about cows and chickens, while so many people starve to death, get raped or murdered, die from AIDS and cancer?”
“Well, actually you should also care about all those other cases. But, from where you are, it is hard to directly influence totalitarian regimes and failed states, or fight diseases. Not eating meat is so much easier.”
“Yes. But not eating meat does not necesserally translates into less suffering of animals. A typical restaurant would probably buy meat beforehand and throw it away if is not getting sold to the customers before its expiration date. Because customer flow fluctuates hugely from day to day, throwing away unused meat should be daily routine, so would the cook ever observe the effect of vegetarians and reduce the amount of meat ordered?”
“I don’t know. Perhaps he would, after reaching some threshold.”
“But yet again, suppose restaurants would order less meat. Will it translate into less animal suffering? Or will the animals still be grown and then burned to obtain cheap electricity? They already grow crops in Europe specifically for electricity production.”
“Perhaps yes, perhaps no, but at least you personally won’t be responsible for that.”
“But what about other effects caused to the world? Humanity is a huge, complicated and not well understood dynamic system. Changing one aspect of this system, let alone the aspect that remained unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years, how can you be sure the effect will only be positive?”
“Hold on. Vegetarian movement exists also since ages, and expecting everybody would at once convert till next Friday is unrealistic. Currently, it is more a “personal decision of not participation”, and a faint try to improve world, one veggie at a time”.
“Well, speaking about personal decisions, I do feel empathy with cows and other mammals, much less of that with the birds, and feel almost nothing to fish, insects or other animals, not to mention plants. Don’t you think being a vegetarian means placing some quite arbitrary borders based solely on the fact I’m also a mammal?”
“You can be a vegan.”
“Hah, being vegan is so much harder than just not eating meat! Besides, vegans are still placing an arbitrary border based on the fact they are animals.”
“Don’t be so black and white. Solving the issue for mammals only is still better than not solving it at all.”
“Yes. But what about effects to my own health? The vegetarian-only diat is controversial, and if I ever crave for meat again and get the binge eating syndrome…”
“How about reducing the average amount of meat dishes you eat, but only in cases where it is comfortably possible, and during just one week?”
“Well, that will hardly make me feel liberated from the burden of being responsible for animal suffering, but at least it will give me some insight of a typical vegetarian life.”

And this is what I did during my week in London.

So far, the insights were not very groundbreaking:
* Generally, I could easily take a vegetarian dish at least once a day. Finding a vegetarian-friendly outfit (i.e. serving meat and vegetarian dishes) was not a problem at all; most of them in London are. I’ve also saw a couple of vegetarian-only restaurants without any special efforts from my side, but searching for them at specific times when I was fancy to eat would be too complicated. Looking for vegan-only restaurants would be totally complicated, even in London. It might be feasible, only if you live there, have found all the possibilities and plan your commute correspondingly.
* I once ordered something called “mozarella tomato sandwich” only to find unexpected ham inside. On some other occasion, I’ve ordered a “vegetable dish”; I have no idea what part of it was not vegetarian, if any. That means, if you want to be a consequent vegetarian, you have to communicate with the waiter much more than usual. This may or may not be an extra effort depending on your personality.
* In the Korean restaurant there was no vegetarian BBQ possibility, so I’ve ordered chicken, because my interest of trying the “well-known Korean BBQ” was greater than the empathy with chickens. Similarly, I’ve ordered a Fish Kofta (just because its funny name) and on another day the “English breakfast” because I was fancy to try it. At least I’ve ordered the vegetarian option, which means without meat, but with eggs.
* Eating so much lentils and beans was a challenge for my stomach.
* Madras or Vindaloo potatoes were a bit too simple for my desire to enjoy eating, and hummus I never especially liked, but vegetarian samosas with puff pastry as well as some Bangladesh dish name of which I forgot and some allegedly Sichuan food were delicious.

On London

London is full of compromises. The Tube is a stuffy, hot, loud place with lengthy distances when changing lines; and trains are shaking and screeching. But, the trains come every other minute, and that trumps all the disadvantages. Streets are so loud it is impossible to hear another person speaking, because of the endless buses and the crowd. But, you never have to wait more than five minutes for a bus, and may be it is your new friend who is walking in the crowd. Windows of many houses in the centre are not properly isolated and there is a draught, but, perhaps, they have less mould therefore. Many shops have guards staying at the entrance (which is a Bad Thing), but the shops themselves are splendid and full of excellent goods, and that trumps the so-called “security” again.

London is full of fashionable people. In the age group up to 30, I guess, at least 90% are clothed fashionably and/or stylishly. As for the middle age and older people, there are at least 60% who do so. In fact, you can spot a tourist in London by observing their unsuitable, cheap-looking or wrong sitting clothes (comparing to Londoner). Gents dress code in London is either business or smart casual, or something made from these styles by adding a little bit of controlled chaos. Generally, Londoner are even more obsessed with the uniform than Germans (as suits are, in fact, a uniform).

London is full of people, of various cultures, languages and background. It means a lot of positive and welcoming diversity, and plenty of wonderful and delicious world cuisines available around the corner. But also, unfortunately, it means some number of homeless people or families camping just in the centre of the square around Marble Arch. Truly interesting is therefore the feeling of safety I had. Never mind I have been to London a week after the riots, never mind there are signs “Beware of pickpockets” sometimes; I’ve never seen any destroyed property, any aggressive-looking people in dangerous amounts, nor any thieves. Well, I was visiting mostly the West End, the City and Greenwich, but I lived in Queensway and visited Soho, and Chinatown, and Brick Lane. Perhaps, I’ve just avoided ghettos by a lucky chance? As for pickpockets, having lived in Russia for 20+ years, I have had some experience with them, once stopping the hand of one of them trying to grab my month’s salary from my bag, and a couple of times observing them with their hands in some other people bags on a street market. Thus I believe I can sense their presence at times; in the huge London I haven’t seen anything more suspicious than in my sleepy tiny home town.

London is full of world wonders. You can see things that are not available in your home town, like some 3500 years old chinese pottery and bronze devices, and egyptian and assirian statues, and real bones of dinosaurs, and works of Da Vinci and one of the oldest remaining pages of the Bible. But also, the London architecture is a wonder by itself. We’ve landed at the Victoria station, and decided to walk to the Buckingham Palace. Just out of the door, we had to say “Wow” pointing at some building, and then passing that building, immediately another “Wow, look at these”, and then after couple of metres, yet again “Over there, how cool is that?”, and then we’re overloaded and stopped pointing, but not stopped wowing.

Speaking of metres, another rather unexpected impression I had is that the U.S.A. seemingly remains the only country where imperial measures are prevalent. I haven’t seen any sign or poster or other public information in London not using the standard measures. It is always metres, grams, litres, etc. The calorie intake label on foods is per 100gr. A lot of clocks use the 24h format.

They still have the left-side traffic though, and it takes its time to get used to. Even for a pedestrian, who just needs to decide which side of the street he must be on to get the bus in the desired direction. I wanted, but avoided renting a bike, partially due to this reason; I didn’t want to test my right-side reflexes in the London traffic. Speaking of which, it is terrible. There are in fact a lot of cyclists on the London streets; much more than I expected when looking at the traffic and the virtually absent bike lanes (comparing with Amsterdam, there are none). But, looking at the cyclists’ position on the bike, their uniform, their sporty racing bikes, and their faces, I don’t think they have enjoyed the ride. It was rather a fight, a rapid spurt from A to B, full of adrenaline and, perhaps, sometimes war stories they can later share with their buddies. I think, cycling in London should be a rather healthy activity, because of healing effects adrenaline causes to the body and because of the daily training to act quick but rationally under the effect of adrenaline. But, on the other hand, I’ve never seen a grandma on the bike, like plenty of them in the German streets. So, perhaps, the average lifetime expectation of a London cyclist is not to be envy of.

What you can envy Londoner of is definitely the food. I don’t care if there is such thing as English cuisine and what are its limits. I only care what you can get in a shop round the corner. And that’s much more diverse, intriguing, and delicious than in any other city I’ve yet been to. Ethiopian, Korean, and Bangladeshi cuisine I’ve tried for the first time in London. And as if it was not enough, they have Whole Foods Market stores in the city (five of them in fact. Why?! Why London has five stores, and the whole Germany none at all? That’s unfair); the greatest one having a dedicated cheese room and user comments on yelp along the lines “I want to live there”. In contrary to the tourist guides, I wouldn’t say eating in London is or has to be much more expensive. Those who eat on the Autobahnraststätte or in the Airports would pay more for worse food.

All in all, London is a perfect tourist destination, if you want to switch off from whatever feelings or problems pressing you; vibrant street life and clustered wonders would distract and entertain you. I would rather be careful when considering a permanent move or a long stay there though. You should never confuse tourism with emigration, as one of the Russian jokes goes. My extremely limited exposure to London leads to some unpleasant questions that have to be addressed. One of those is the health system. Would I feel myself comfortable living in a country where they sometimes call doctors “your health services provider”, and market their dental services in a same fashion one would advertize all-things-for-one-pound franchises?.. But yet again, answering such questions require much more exposure of the real everyday life in UK than I had.

